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Make Your Yard More Pet-Friendly

When you’re relaxing on a lounge chair on your patio, deck, or lawn, it’s likely your pet isn’t far behind. At the same time, it’s important to keep in mind the type of environment your backyard provides them and to be cautious about the plants, decorations, and other items they have access to.

Pet Yard

Pet-friendly planting

There are a number of plants that can be harmful to both dogs and cats if consumed. Be mindful of the flowers and shrubs that are in your garden, and consider fencing in areas you don’t want them to get into.

A place of their own

As much as your pet likes to be by your side, they also appreciate their own spot. Create a special place in your yard just for them, be it a dog house, a patch of soft mulch, or a fenced in area that can serve as a playground.

Discourage digging

Both cats and dogs like to dig in flower beds or around fences—it’s in their nature. Help prevent this behavior by ensuring that fences are at least a foot or deeper into the ground and by installing shorter fences or placing rock barriers around flower beds.

Hydration station

It’s important to make sure your pet has access to adequate food and water while enjoying the outdoors. Create a feeding station for them, or set up a shallow baby pool they can cool off in. It’s not a bad idea to make some delicious, pet-friendly frozen treats, too.

Inspect regularly

Ultimately, it’s up to you to keep your pet safe while they spend time in your yard. Walk the perimeter every so often to check for weak spots in your fence, newly grown weeds that could be harmful if consumed, and anything else that might cause injury. 


American Lifestyle 

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