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Northern Poconos Real Estate News

4 Simple Family Activities to Promote Healthy Living
CENTURY 21 Select Group 1 year ago

Keeping your family healthy is a top priority, but with everything we have to juggle in modern-day life, that’s easier said than done. Luckily, there are simple activities your whole family can enjoy that will promote a health-focused lifestyle in adults and children alike.

Visit a U-Pick FarmYoung children will especially enjoy visiting a local farm, but teens and adults alike can enjoy seeing where food is sourced. Visit a U-pick farm and gather some of your favorite fresh fruits and veggies....
Draw in Finicky Eaters With Colorful Topping Bar Meals
CENTURY 21 Select Group 2 years ago

Some kids want only hot dogs for lunch and dinner. Others will have nothing to do with anything green or with one food touching another. Whatever your kid’s particular penchant, there will always be finicky eaters and parents who are looking for painless ways to broaden their child’s appetite.

One way to do that, say child nutritionists, is to encourage your child to cook with you, even if only by adding ingredients and/or stirring the bowl. Children who engage in cooking a meal are more likely...
Credit Card Habits Your Kids Can Take to College
CENTURY 21 Select Group 2 years ago

Starting college is full of all kinds of new experiences. Students are left on their own for probably the first time in their lives, and it can be daunting.

Using a credit card can be one of those “firsts,” and parents can help by explaining how credit cards work and instilling good financial habits in them. Here are some credit card habits students should learn before they get to college:

Have a JobTo get a credit card in their name, students will often have to have a job and a credit history....
How to Choose the Right Bicycle Helmet for Your Child
CENTURY 21 Select Group 2 years ago

Biking can be a fun pastime for the whole family, but it can also be dangerous. A fall from a bike can result in head trauma, which can have life-changing consequences and can even cause death. Before you allow your child to ride a bike, buy a helmet that fits correctly.

How to Find the Right Size
A helmet that doesn’t fit properly can’t do its job. A bicycle helmet should come down to just above your child’s eyebrows. It should fit snugly, but it should not be too tight.

Some helmets come with...
How to Help Your Kids Build Confidence
CENTURY 21 Select Group 2 years ago

Children gain confidence by exploring the world around them, trying new things, and learning how to process both successes and failures. The way you interact with your kids on a daily basis can have a profound effect on how confident they feel as they grow up.

Provide Love and SupportThe most important ingredient that helps children build confidence is unconditional love from parents. That doesn’t mean that you should agree with everything your children say and let them do whatever they want, b...
Simple Ways to Teach Your Kids About Eco-Friendly Living
CENTURY 21 Select Group 2 years ago

Teaching your children about caring for the environment and creating eco-friendly habits can start at any age. The following activities provide simple ways for parents to teach kids about eco-friendly living while keeping them engaged and having fun.


Go Plogging Together. Plogging, the act of picking up litter while jogging, originated in Sweden and quickly gained popularity in countries all around the world. A simple and effective way to keep your area beautiful while staying active, it’s an...
When Should You Start Saving for Your Children's College Education?
Terri Ditty 2 years ago

If you have or plan to have children, you want them to have a bright future and to be successful and financially secure. That may mean that you hope (or expect) that they will obtain a college degree. With tuition and other costs steadily climbing every year, many parents worry that they won’t be able to afford to pay for their children’s college education.

Set Clear PrioritiesBefore you start saving for college, you need to get your finances in order in other areas. Make sure you have an emerg...
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