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Northern Poconos Real Estate News

How to Get Cooking With the Kids
CENTURY 21 Select Group 2 years ago

For many of us, spending time at home has reawakened our culinary pursuits as we dust off our favorite (or rarely opened!) cookbooks and search our creative concoctions online.

Cooking more at home is also a great opportunity for family time if you enlist your loved ones in meal prep. Even your young ones can partake in the process when you choose easy, kid-friendly recipes like these:Scrambled eggs. It’s never too soon to help your child master the art of cracking an egg—just be patient and ex...
Helping Your Child Connect With Nature
CENTURY 21 Select Group 2 years ago

Amid growing environmental concerns at a time when group activity is curtailed, encouraging your child to bond with nature can achieve two important goals, researchers say.

According to a recent study by North Carolina State University, solitary outings and shared outings with parents help children to not just understand and enjoy nature, but to build respect and personal concern for preserving natural resources. 

Preschoolers on a walk outside can identify flower colors, inspect insects, and c...
4 Fun STEM Toy Ideas for Your Little Scholar
CENTURY 21 Select Group 2 years ago

Finding toys to keep your children engaged while fostering their creativity can be a challenge. With so many less-than-stellar entertainment options vying for kids’ attention, a good STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Math) toy can cultivate an exploration of science and the natural world. This list of toys will keep your little scholar having fun while they learn.

Rock TumblerA classic toy that you may remember from your childhood, rock tumblers are still as fun as ever. Providing all...
5 Household Chores for Kids Under 10
CENTURY 21 Select Group 2 years ago

When everyone pitches in around the house, there is more time for fun, games and family bonding. Teaching household chores and responsibilities at a young age can help children grow up to be clean, organized and happy adults. 

So, what chores should you assign to the young ones? Be sure to avoid heavy objects, like vacuum cleaners, and chemical cleaners to reduce the risk of injury or death. Instead, start with easier tasks that still provide a sense of responsibility and success. 

Here are fiv...
How to Teach Your Kids About Saving and Spending
CENTURY 21 Select Group 2 years ago

You can never be too young to learn the true value of saving. For children, however, the concept of money is much different than the reality. But that doesn’t mean you can’t teach them how to save—even their pennies—responsibly. 

Once your child reaches the age of about five or six, they start learning how to count and add in school. Of course, their main focus is probably on their favorite new toy, or one they don’t own and have been begging you for. Use this as an opportunity to merge what th...
Family-Friendly Artwork Apps
CENTURY 21 Select Group 2 years ago

In the age of apps, there’s more to preserving the masterpieces your children create than just sticking them on the refrigerator.

Eventually, the magnets will slip and something that’s dear to you—or your child—could fall off and end up in the trash. If you have the space for keeping their school artwork or homemade projects, you may keep them in plastic containers and sort through them at a later time. But if you’re running out of closet space or are worried that too many of these precious mem...
5 Financial Tips for First-Time Parents
CENTURY 21 Select Group 2 years ago

So a babe is on the way? Congrats! Along with the chaos of, well, everything that is to come, your finances are about to experience an upheaval, as well. According to the U.S. Department of Agriculture, it will cost upwards of $245,000 to raise a child born in 2013 to the age of 18—and this does not include college. Feeling that bank account burn already? Below are five tips for rocking your budget as a new mom or dad.

1. Tweak the budget. Your new little one is going to cost a pretty penny. Fr...
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