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Northern Poconos Real Estate News

How to Keep Your House Clean If You Have Young Kids
CENTURY 21 Select Group 2 years ago

If you have small children, you know how hard it can be to keep your house clean. Here are some strategies to help you avoid getting stressed out and make your home presentable in case you have unexpected guests.

Set Realistic Expectations and Communicate ThemIf you had high standards for cleanliness before you had kids, holding yourself and your young children to those same expectations will only leave you frustrated. Make keeping the house clean a priority but be realistic. Focus first and fo...
3 Indoor Activities to Keep Your Kids Entertained
CENTURY 21 Select Group 2 years ago

Every parent or caregiver knows the difficulty of navigating stir crazy children when the weather prohibits a fun day outside.These activities can keep kids occupied while engaging their creativity or encouraging them to get moving in an indoor-appropriate manner.


Children’s Yoga VideosIf you are looking for an easy way to keep the children in your household active when outdoor play isn’t possible, yoga may be the answer. Yoga is on the top of many adults’ lists for in-home workouts because i...
Window Guards Can Save Children's Lives
CENTURY 21 Select Group 2 years ago

Each year, thousands of children across the U.S. fall from windows and suffer serious injuries or death. Falls are most common among toddlers, who are curious and don’t recognize the potential danger. A child can be injured even in a fall from a first-floor window, but the chance of severe injuries or death increases with the height of a fall. Window guards can save children’s lives.

Screens Can’t Keep Kids SafeMany people believe a screen will prevent a child from falling out a window. That mi...
7 Ways to Pay for Your Child's College Education
CENTURY 21 Select Group 2 years ago

As a parent, you’ve undoubtedly thought about your child’s college education—no matter what their current age is. And if you’re planning on paying their way, or at least helping them out, cost is certainly a factor.

Unless you’ve got a huge sum of cash to plunk down when it’s time to pay, chances are you’ll need to find multiple ways to fund your child’s education.

Here are seven options to consider:

FAFSAWhether you or your child is paying, begin by filling out the Free Application for Federal...
How to Help Siblings With a Large Age Gap Bond
CENTURY 21 Select Group 2 years ago

Many parents are raising children with a large age difference, which presents a series of unique benefits and challenges. Understanding how your kids are feeling, communicating clearly and making them all feel important can help your children form a strong bond.

Benefits and Challenges of a Large Age GapA wide difference in age can help older siblings learn patience and responsibility and become role models for their younger brothers and sisters. Parents may have more energy to devote to the ne...
Protecting Kids From Identity Theft
CENTURY 21 Select Group 2 years ago

Protecting children is a constant responsibility for parents and guardians alike, and many are unaware that they also need to be protected from identity theft.

Identity thieves often apply for government benefits, open bank and credit card accounts, and apply for a loan in the name of the victim, even a child. They often do this long before the child is old enough to open a credit card themselves, destroying a child’s credit history.

If your child is getting mail such as bills for products they...
How Pets Can Teach Kids Important Values
CENTURY 21 Select Group 2 years ago

As a parent, you want to instill positive values in your kids. Children can learn many important life lessons from their interactions with other people, but pets can also be excellent teachers.

Unconditional Love and AcceptanceKids need love, and pets, who are often happy to play and cuddle, can supply plenty of it. Many children feel self-conscious because of differences between them and their peers, and bullying is a harmful and unfortunately common experience. A pet’s unconditional love and...
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