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Northern Poconos Real Estate News

Simple Money Lessons That Will Last Your Child a Lifetime
CENTURY 21 Select Group 3 years ago

Carrying cash is becoming less common these days, which can be a nuisance for parents and their children—especially when it comes to paying children their allowance each week.

For many parents, cash allowances are becoming a thing of the past as they instead turn to prepaid debit cards that can be managed directly from their phones. In fact, by simply downloading an app onto their phone for the financial company they’re working with, parents can load money onto a debit card that their child can...
Money Matters for Millennial Parents
CENTURY 21 Select Group 3 years ago

As a young parent, you may just be learning about all the responsibilities parenthood requires. When it comes to financial planning, setting your sight on the future can help immensely.

Demolish debt. Slaying your own debt will positively impact your family’s financial future. While it may take years to pay off those student loans or credit card debt, creating a plan can help. Tackle your lowest balance first to gain momentum then take on the next smallest. Additionally, pay attention to higher...
Starting a Minimalist Wardrobe for Your Kids
CENTURY 21 Select Group 3 years ago

Kids seem to outgrow everything. Toys, stuffed animals and, of course, clothes can all seem a little too old or small for children as they grow up.

Clothes can be especially difficult to deal with because they tend to pile up, require weekly cleanings and end up being too small before they get much use out of them.

One way to deal with this is to create a minimalist wardrobe for your children. Paring down what they own—and what you’ll buy—to what can fit in a suitcase can save both you and your...
5 Financial Moves New Parents Should Make
CENTURY 21 Select Group 4 years ago

Having a child can require many adjustments. Losing sleep and changing dirty diapers are just some of the things parents have to deal with. And even though you’re probably a little sleep deprived right now, there are some financials you’ll have to think about, as well.

Here are five financial moves parents should put at the top of their to-do list after coming home with a new baby:

Revise Your BudgetChildren can be expensive, especially in the first year when new costs you’ve never experienced...
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