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Northern Poconos Real Estate News

What to Know Before Giving Your Kid a Debit Card
CENTURY 21 Select Group 3 years ago

Teaching your child about money by giving them a piggy bank or having them earn an allowance by doing household chores is a great start to learning about how to earn and save money.

Spending wisely, however, is another lesson. And it will probably come away from home and without adult supervision.

A debit card—usually linked to a parent’s checking account—or a prepaid debit card can help children learn how to manage money jointly with their parents. Their spending can be monitored, such as thro...
How Music Lessons Can Help Your Child's Development
CENTURY 21 Select Group 3 years ago

Music is an integral part of life from an early age. Parents sing and play soothing music for babies to help them fall asleep. Music can help with intellectual development. When children begin preschool, teachers sing songs to help them learn about letters, colors, animals and a host of other topics. Music can help children express their emotions in a positive way. Dancing to a song can help kids develop motor skills. An early love of music leads many children to later take music lessons and joi...

Simple Money Lessons That Will Last Your Child a Lifetime
CENTURY 21 Select Group 3 years ago

Carrying cash is becoming less common these days, which can be a nuisance for parents and their children—especially when it comes to paying children their allowance each week.

For many parents, cash allowances are becoming a thing of the past as they instead turn to prepaid debit cards that can be managed directly from their phones. In fact, by simply downloading an app onto their phone for the financial company they’re working with, parents can load money onto a debit card that their child can...
Money Matters for Millennial Parents
CENTURY 21 Select Group 3 years ago

As a young parent, you may just be learning about all the responsibilities parenthood requires. When it comes to financial planning, setting your sight on the future can help immensely.

Demolish debt. Slaying your own debt will positively impact your family’s financial future. While it may take years to pay off those student loans or credit card debt, creating a plan can help. Tackle your lowest balance first to gain momentum then take on the next smallest. Additionally, pay attention to higher...
Move Over Pink and Blue: Neutral Colors for Baby's Room
CENTURY 21 Select Group 3 years ago

Are you planning a nursery for a babe-on-the-way? Whether you’re waiting to learn the baby’s gender, or are hoping to choose a more neutral color than the typical blue and pink, consider the following options:

Gray. This is an extremely versatile color; the shade options are endless and it matches with just about everything. Additionally, gray is a soft, peaceful color, so you’ll be bringing tranquility into your baby’s life from day one.

Seafoam green. Gentle and mild, this neutral color is bo...
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